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Short Story Guidelines

& Terms of agreements

Before submitting to the Two Tired Writers Podcast’s flash fiction contest, please read the following guidelines and terms of agreements. 
  1. Two Tired Writers Podcast may lightly edit your story. This does not mean we will change the story completely, but we will fix small grammar mistakes, missed words, or spelling. As writers we know that we overlook these small details, but before publishing, Two Tired Writers Podcast will look it over just to make sure your story is the best it can be.
  2. Submissions must be attached to an email sent through The document must be Time New Roman 12 pt. Font, cannot exceed 1500 words, and must be PG 13.
  3. You keep all rights to your story, but Two Tired Writers Podcast have the right to keep the story on their website indefinitely.
  4. All submission must be original and based on our prompts. When submitting, clarify which episode the prompt is from or state the prompt itself.
  5. Two Tired Writers Podcast recommend submitting a photo/graphic with your story. These photos can be about the story or a picture of yourself. Please make sure it is your responsibility to get permission to use any outside photos. 
  6. Winners will be notified by email before a new episode airs. 
Two Tired Writers Podcast looks forward to reading your work and helping other writers grow. To stay up to date with our podcast sign up for our monthly newsletter and follow us on our social media.


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